Receipts can be printed using any inkjet or laser printer. To print receipts on real thermal receipt paper - we offer our companion app, Express Thermal Print. See Printing Receipts for more information.
Our online receipt maker is self-service. You can create a receipt using our system and print using any inkjet or laser printer. We do not print or mail receipts.
If you would like to print your own real receipts, you can use our FREE mobile app Express Thermal Print and a Bluetooth thermal printer.
Absolutely! Memberships can be cancelled anytime. You can cancel from the ACCOUNT page or by email or phone.
Our receipt generator is a membership-based system. We do not offer single receipt purchases. Become a Member
Yes. Our receipts are generated as JPG images. Any thermal printer that can print JPG images can print our receipts. Printing to thermal printer
Many of our receipts are for PRO or Enterprise members only. You will see a watermark stating "For Pro or Enterprise Members Only" on these receipts. They are also marked with a PRO emblem on the homepage.
Standard members need to upgrade their account from the ACCOUNT page to access these PRO-level receipts. If you are not a member, visit the SIGNUP page to join!
Simple! Just add the image of your receipt to a Word document. Now scale that receipt size to the size you need. You can also download the receipt image and use any image editor or image preview to resize your image.
PRO = Access to all receipt templates.
Standard = Access to ONLY receipt templates without "PRO" badge.
We hate junk e-mail and junk faxes, and will absolutely not send any unsolicited e-mail or faxes. Users will receive e-mail messages (such as confirmation messages) as part of the process of using the service. MakeReceipt will not share your information, nor information about the people you send receipts to, with marketers or anyone...anywhere...ever.
We do offer Hotel receipts for all major hotels on
We offer many other receipt types and templates at - Contact us there if you need a custom receipt designed to match your specifications.
MakeReceipt is a receipt maker that lets you create receipts for any purpose: Replace a receipt that has disappeared long ago, create a receipt to impress your friends or make a receipt for goods/services that you sell.. Our free online receipt maker creates professional-grade receipts based on the information you enter. Simply choose a receipt template, customize the receipt and then download or print the receipt generated. Our service is not to be utilized to create fake or fraudulent documents. The user assumes all liability of usage of any receipt created on
To cancel your membership and prevent future renewal billing, please login to your account and click on the link at the top of your page labeled "ACCOUNT."
From the ACCOUNT page, please click on the "Cancel" button next to the Next Renewal date.
We offer two FREE receipt style for everyone to use. If you would like access to additional receipts templates, you can also choose to Become a Member.
The PRO and Enterprise plans include ALL receipt templates. The Standard plan includes all receipts except those marked with the PRO badge on the homepage.
We offer many options and designs to choose from for restaurants, taxi cabs, coffee shop, parking lot, cash transactions or other purposes where receipts are needed. Be sure to try using the SEARCH bar at the top of the screen to locate specific receipt styles or brands.
International receipts are supported in Dollars, Euros and British Sterling. Make receipts for UK, Australia, Canada, Germany, France. Gas receipts support both gallons and liters.
We do not offer Paypal as a payment option. Payment can be made using any valid credit or debit card.
We do not offer trial periods. Our tool functions the exact same way for non-members as members. The only difference between members and non-members is the watermark that non-members see on the receipts. Members are able to generate receipts without this watermark on their receipts and create unlimited receipts using their account.
When uploading a logo, use a logo that is black and white and scaled at a size of 3:1. (Ie: 300 pixels wide x 100 pixels tall)
All App Store purchases must be cancelled from the App Store. App makers are unable to manage apps. See How to unsubscribe from App Store.
To reset password, visit the Lost Password page.
There is a limit of 9 items per itemized receipt due to the receipt generation engine restrictions. Need more items? Try making a 2nd receipt!
We do not recommend attempting to use any of our receipt templates for fraudulent purposes.
Perfect for making receipts for my business. Works great when we are mobile and needing to create receipts for customers.
I was tired of losing receipts and not being able to expense them. This solved that problem quickly!
Perfect for making receipts for my business. Works great when we are mobile and needing to create receipts for customers.
I was tired of losing receipts and not being able to expense them. This solved that problem quickly!